High School Preparation Program

The passage from elementary school to high school can be difficult. Successful preparation is key to ensuring a smooth transition and increased potential for academic success. To these ends, the QBBE High School Preparation Program focuses on students transitioning into and through high school, the most vulnerable, and important developmental years.

The BANA and Da Costa Hall summer school programs have served more than 15,000 students, since its inception in 1968. Today, parents from all ethnicities seek our nurturing and culture-sensitive approach to the education of their children.

High School Preparation Program

The Da Costa Hall transition program will equip the students starting high school with the appropriate information and tools needed to adapt to High school.

Every day, beyond the regular curriculum, the students have one period of highly interactive workshops or tutorials. The topics covered during the workshops include:

  • High School 101 & Time management techniques
  • Goal setting
  • Organization & Study skills
  • Leadership.
  • Dealing with peer pressure
  • Bullying and violence in relationships
  • Conflict resolution
  • Graffiti and vandalism
  • Inclusion and demystifying cultural diversity

The tutorial sessions were designed to reiterate the new concepts that were learned throughout the day. Most of the tutorial sessions were devoted to reviewing mathematics. This is the area where the students had the most difficulty.

At the end of the program, students will display more confidence and less anxiety about entering high school.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the Quebec Board of Black Educators?
The Quebec Board of Black Educators (QBBE) is an organization founded in 1968 by a group of Educators from the Caribbean to address the cultural differences and challenges the immigrant children brought to the schools. The goal has been and still is to provide quality educational support and opportunities for English speaking black children and their families and lobbying with the School Boards and Government to eliminate the inequalities in education.
How is the QBBE funded?
QBBE is entirely enabled by monetary and in-kind donations of goods and services from Government grants, corporate supporters, foundations and individual donors, to name a few. Thanks to their championing, the QBBE is able to offer its programs and service free of charge to the community.
Where can I learn more about the QBBE?
Our website is the most comprehensive source of information about QBBE. We invite you to explore the abundant information about our services, our programs, audited financial statements, and our most recent annual reports.
Is the QBBE a non-profit organization?
The QBBE is a non-profit corporation and is a legal entity separate from its members and directors formed for purposes other than generating a profit.
What is the QBBE mission statement?
To encourage and support continuous improvements in the education system of Quebec and the equitable distribution of its benefits to communities of colour, such that the programs will provide the best opportunity to pursue educational attainment which in turn will impact social and economic achievements.
Is the QBBE affiliated with a religious or government organization?
The QBBE is a non-sectarian non-governmental organization

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5165 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Suite 317
Montréal, QC H4A 1T6
Tel: 514-481-9400

Providing quality educational services!